For schools seeking a full-page listing on our site, please contact Javier Colayco at
Boarding School Review also offers premium banner ad space throughout our site:
Featured schools can be highlighted in the header, the right hand side, or bottom of each of our site pages in an advertiser section marked "Featured Schools." An advertiser on our site will typically receive over 500,000 impressions per year for their ad.
We also offer interstitial ad space, where users are shown a full page interstitial ad between the first and second page view of each daily, unique visit to our site. This will typically generate over 100-150,000 impressions per month.
Further, we offer Full-Page Takeover Ads: Advertise directly on all our site's ad units, displaying 3rd party ads such as Google, through a full-page takeover. Customize your campaign according to your ad budget, priced at $250 per day ($10 per 1,000 impressions (CPM)), with a minimum investment of $2,500 per campaign for a 10-day period. Your ads will occupy all available 3rd party ad spaces, ensuring a clear and consistent message delivery. Below is an example of a full-page takeover ad.
Please for information and pricing, please email