Why Boarding School

The decision to attend boarding school is not an easy one. While the quality of resources, activities, and academics offered by boarding schools may be found in local schooling options, boarding schools offer a unique set of benefits and experiences. Our informative articles cover the history of boarding schools in the US, explore the varied types of schools, and provide an overview on why boarding school can be an excellent educational option for your child. Learn more about issues affecting international students, identify some of the oldest and most prestigious boarding schools in the US, and review expert advice on making the right choice.

View the most popular articles in Why Boarding School:

Considering a Military School?

Considering a Military School?
If you are looking for a college preparatory education with a military emphasis, then take a look at military schools.
iStock Photos/Christine_Kohler

One of the best things about boarding schools is that there is a school out there somewhere that is a good fit for your educational objectives, however varied those might be. As you begin to draw a picture of the kind of school that works for you and your child, you could discover that the structured environment and leadership training military boarding schools offer are attributes you are looking for.

As one parent to another, I'll raise my issues with military schools. Also, I want to disclose that my eldest daughter took part in the ROTC program at MIT while she was at Harvard. I had no idea she was interested in a military career until she announced she was in ROTC. No clue! So, don't hesitate to think outside the box. Assume nothing when looking at boarding schools. You and your child could visit one of our exemplary military school campuses and decide that it has everything you are looking for.

When are military schools a good option?

So, what about military schools? When might you consider sending your son or daughter to one? I'll answer those questions and more, but first, let's settle some things before proceeding.

  • Military schools are NOT places where you send a child with discipline or other behavioral issues.
  • Military schools are NOT reform schools or schools for troubled youth.
  • Military schools ARE genuine learning institutions with a specific focus, i.e., military training.

When a healthcare professional such as a psychologist

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International Students: Visas and More

International Students: Visas and More
In addition to the usual admissions requirements, international students must also obtain a student visa. Here are five tips to help you navigate the admissions process as an international student.
Sasarin Pamai/iStock Photos

If you live overseas and are considering sending your child to a boarding school in the United States, consider the following five admissions tips for international students. I assume you are not an American citizen or a green card holder, and English is not your first language. Many students from countries outside the United States want to attend American private schools. According to The Association of Boarding Schools, international students make up about 15% of the student population in American boarding schools.

The I-20 Form

Be aware that not every boarding school is certified by the United States Immigration Service to accept foreign students. Why is that important? Always confirm that the school you are interested in is a Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) certified school. If the school is not SEVP-certified to accept international students, it cannot issue the I-20 form, which is the first step in applying for and obtaining a student visa from the U.S. Immigration Service. Once you receive the I-20 from the school you chose to attend, you will pay the I-901 Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Fee. The Immigration Service will not allow your child to enter the United States as a student without the proper paperwork. If in doubt, ask the school if it can issue the I-20 form. Do not assume anything.

Pay Attention to The Deadlines

Applying for admission to an American boarding school requires staying organized and on top

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A Conversation About Boarding Schools

A Conversation About Boarding Schools
Explore the world of boarding schools through this insightful article, covering topics such as academic excellence, campus life, safety measures, specialized teaching for learning differences, and alumni experiences. Discover the advantages of boarding schools and gain valuable insights for choosing the right educational path for your child.

Here is a compilation of the various concerns and questions I have fielded from readers. Don't hesitate to DM me on Facebook or Instagram with your questions. I will do my best to answer them.

Tell me about the advantages of sending my daughter to a boarding schools.

Your child will build a network of friends that she will have for life. The demands of rigorous academic studies combined with compulsory athletics and required extracurricular activities will stretch her ways you never thought possible. She will build confidence in her own abilities as she accomplishes things she probably didn't realize she could accomplish. You will know that your child is receiving a comprehensive and balanced education consisting of academics, sports and extracurricular activities.

How do I know which school is the best one?

You determine that by comparing schools. So, make lists of schools. Review their websites. Watch their videos. Check out their social media pages pages. Did you find any that offer the academic subjects, sports, and extracurricular activities you feel are essential for your child? Put those schools on another shorter list. Then visit those three or four schools. The visit and interview will reveal much about each school. Then apply to the schools with the best fit.

I want my daughter to have great teachers.

Teachers want to teach. They love their subject. They know it inside and out at the level at which they have been teaching. They know all the tricks and

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Boarding School Pros and Cons: History and Common Misconceptions

Boarding School Pros and Cons: History and Common Misconceptions
We address common misconceptions about boarding schools, shedding light on the actual experiences versus perceived notions. Ideal for parents contemplating this educational choice for their children, the essay provides a balanced perspective on the topic.

We live in the misinformation and disinformation age. That applies to boarding schools as it does to anything you can think of. While I've previously written about boarding school misconceptions in Boarding School Myths, I thought it would be helpful to parents investigating sending their child to a residential school. After all, your child will hear a chorus of misconceptions on social media before you tell her the facts. That's the downside of our receiving information and opinion from social media. Journalism investigates. Social media postulates.

The History of Boarding Schools

The history of boarding schools in the United States is as complex as it is profound. They originated in the colonial period, but their importance grew significantly during the 18th and 19th centuries. The first boarding schools were established by religious groups aiming to provide education to the children of the wealthy elite, often integrating religious teachings with a more traditional curriculum. Many of these early boarding schools were single-gender institutions, instilling a rigidly structured environment that shaped young people according to the societal expectations of the time.

President George Washington visited the Academy during its first year, and spoke in 1789 as part of his tour of New England.

Source: History of Phillips Andover Academy

The 19th century saw the emergence of Native American boarding schools, a less lauded chapter in the history of boarding schools in the U.S. This system was an attempt by the U.S. government to assimilate Native American

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A To Z Of Boarding Schools

A To Z Of Boarding Schools
Make choosing the right boarding school for your child easier with this A To Z list.

A - Applying to boarding school

Applying to most boarding schools has become easier in the last 10-15 years. That's because you can apply online at most schools. When schools don't have online applications, they usually have all the application forms and information you need online for you to download.

B - Be aware that diversity is part of boarding schools' DNA in the 21st century.

Yes, back in the 1950s and 1960s, you might have been able to say that boarding schools were elitist. At least, that was the general public's perception. Of course, the media reinforced this perception. However, in the 21st century, boarding schools have made diversity and tolerance the center of their mission and philosophy as most schools seek to prepare their students for life and work in a global community.

C - Competitive schools

Many parents have grand ideas about which boarding schools they want their children to attend. As a result, they focus on the top 10 schools, which receive ten times as many applicants for whom they have places. Having one very competitive school on your shortlist is wise only when you also have two relatively safe schools on that list. Just as with investing, t makes no sense to put all your eggs in one basket.

This brief video showcases Phillips Andover Academy.

D - Discipline is part of

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Recent Articles

Mastering the Boarding School Selection Process: A 5-Step Guide
Mastering the Boarding School Selection Process: A 5-Step Guide
This comprehensive guide outlines a five-step process for selecting the right boarding school, covering school identification, list narrowing, campus visits, admissions testing, and application submission. It provides valuable insights for families navigating the complex boarding school selection journey.
Boarding School Myths
Boarding School Myths
Read about common boarding school myths in case your perception of boarding school is driven largely by popular movies and urban legend.
5 Common Myths About Military Schools
5 Common Myths About Military Schools
This comprehensive guide debunks five common myths about military schools, highlighting their focus on academic excellence, diverse career paths for graduates, and holistic approach to education. It provides valuable insights for parents considering military school education for their children.

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Why Boarding School

Here you’ll find basic information on boarding schools and why they may be the best choice for your child. Get answers to some of the most frequently asked questions, dispel boarding school myths, and learn what separates a boarding school from other private school options.
There are several types of boarding schools, each offering a unique set of experiences. The articles in this section will provide more information on college preparatory, junior and therapeutic boarding schools. Here you will explore the pros and cons of single sex education, learn the truth about military schools and identify schools with programs for learning disabled students.
US Boarding schools attract students from all over the world. International students often face a unique set of challenges. This section will cover topics relevant to global students. From English immersion to preparing for entry into a US college or university, we’ll provide helpful tips and resources to help international students make informed decisions.
This section provides a comprehensive look at the history of boarding schools in the US. We’ll cover the evolution of private schools, as learn the importance of school mottoes and explore the history of 15 schools and their founders.