Northfield Mount Hermon vs. Phillips Academy Andover
Should you attend Northfield Mount Hermon or Phillips Academy Andover? Visitors to our site frequently compare these two schools. Compare their rankings, scores, reviews and more to help you determine which school is the best choice for you.
School Overview
Top Rankings
Northfield Mount Hermon ranks among the top 20 boarding schools (out of 278 schools) for:
Offering Breadth
Offering Breadth
Student Test Scores
Phillips Academy Andover ranks among the top 20 boarding schools (out of 278 schools) for:
Community Size
School Resources
School Resources
Offering Breadth
Offering Breadth
Student Test Scores
Student Test Scores
School History
Northfield Mount Hermon (NMH) is an independent boarding and day school serving 630 students in grades 9 through 12, plus a postgraduate year.
We offer an advanced educational experience in a student-centered, inclusive community that prioritizes academic excellence.
As students learn, they develop the skills and the resolve necessary to live with humanity and purpose.
At NMH, we educate our students' heads, hearts, and hands, preparing them to be citizens and leaders who learn with passion, lead with intention, and act with humanity.
We are located on a serene, wooded 1,353-acre campus in Massachusetts' Connecticut River Valley.
A Place of Limitless Opportunities -- you come to Andover because of the 1,100 other students who come to Andover.
They are, as our founding charter calls for them to be, "youth from every quarter." They`re talented in quirky and serious ways, they have ideas and opinions like- but mostly unlike-yours, they have fascinating histories and surprising ambitions and generous hearts.
They come because they love ideas and learning and discovering.
And they come because maybe you will be here too. One of the Latin mottoes on our seal translates as "the end depends on the beginning." Andover is a place where we`re always beginning.
We`re always discovering new opportunities, experimenting with a new approach, finding courage to take risks.
We`re always looking for new ways to reach out to people in need, to work together with new communities.
Always making room for you to be your most honest, authentic, daring self. Imagine teachers who give you the freedom to think openly and deeply, to question and make mistakes.
With more than 300 dynamic courses, Andover's rigorous academic program offers a strong foundation in the arts, humanities, mathematics, and natural sciences.
School Focus
College Preparatory
College Preparatory
Grades Offered
9-12, PG
9-12, PG
School Type
ADD/ADHD Support
Year Founded
Campus Size
1353 acres
500 acres
Students Body
% Students of Color
% International Students
% Students Boarding
Average SAT Score
Average ACT score
Offers Post-Grad Year
Academics and Faculty
Saturday Classes
Frequency of Saturday Classes
Less than once a month
Classroom Dress Code
Average Class Size
Student : Teacher ratio
# of AP/Advanced Courses Offered
ESL Courses Offered
% Faculty with Advanced Degree
Summer Program Offered
Endowment Size
$139 million
$1326 million
Tuition (Boarding Students)
Tuition (Day Students)
Avg. Financial Aid Grant
Application Deadline
Jan. 15 / rolling
Feb. 1
Accepts Standardized Application
SSAT Required
Average Percentile SSAT
Acceptance Rate
Director of Admissions
Clair Ward
Jill Thompson
# of AP/Advanced Courses Offered
Total Sports Offered
Alpine Skiing, Baseball, Basketball, Crew, Cross Country, Cross Country Running, Fencing, Field Hockey, Golf, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Mountain Biking, Nordic Skiing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Wrestling
Ballet, Baseball, Basketball, Climbing, Crew, Cross Country, Cross Country Running, Cycling, Dance, Diving, Field Hockey, Football, Golf, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Nordic Skiing, Soccer, Softball, Squash, Swimming, Tennis, Track, Track and Field, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Water Polo, Winter Track, Wrestling
Total Extra-curric.Total Extracurriculars
A Cappella Ensembles, Aerial Photography and Videography Club, Amnesty International, an Asian American advocacy group, Anglers Club, Animal Activist Club, Asian American Students Association, Atheist/Secular Humanist Students Association, Blue Key Society (Admission Tour Guide), Breakaway, Cancer Support Team, Chinese Student Association, Circle of Sisters, Debate Society, End the Silence of Relationship Violence Advocacy Group, Found Threads, Gemini (yearbook), Gender Sexuality Alliance, Getting Ahead of Global Epidemics, Green Cup Challenge, Interfaith Student Council, Investment Club, Jazz Ensemble, Jewish Students Alliance, Korean Student Association, Mandala (arts and literary magazine), Math Team, Me to We Club, Mindfulness Meditation, Model United Nations, Muslim Students Association, Nature-Centered Beliefs Group, NMH Outreach, NMH Pianists, NMH Singers, Operation Happy Birthday, Peer Educators, Pokémon Trainers Association, Quiz Bowl, Quiz Bowl, Room to Read, Science Club, Select Women’s Ensemble, Senior and Junior Dance Companies, Shark Club, Soapbox, Society for the Study of Political Ideologies (SSPI), South Asian Student Association, Spanish and Latino/a Students Association (SaLSA), St. Edmund Campion League of Catholic Students, Stream News, Student Alumni Association, Student Congress, Student Diversity Committee, Super Smash Brothers Club, The Bridge (student newspaper), The Brothers, The F Word (feminism), The Girl Effect, The Hermonite (student newspaper), The Prejudice Project, Theater Program, Third-Culture Kid Affinity Group, Vietnamese Student Association, VVar (vegan), WNMH Radio 106.7 FM, Writers Forum, Youth Initiative
3D Printing Club, Academy Manor Nursing Home volunteers, ActiveMinds Andover, Activism, AdoptaPlatoon, Afro-Latino-American Society (Af-Lat-Am), Alianza (Latino Student Alliance), Amnesty International Club, and Mentoring (DREAM), Andover Ambassadors, Andover Art Society, Andover Japanese Connection, Andover-Lawrence String Program, App Development, ARC Buddies, Archaeology and History Club, Architecture Club, Art Exchange, Art for Expression, Art Music Society, Asian Society, Astronomy Club, Azure, Babel Foreign Language Magazine, Backtracks Magazine, Baking Club, Ballroom Dance Society, Bancroft Elementary Teachers Aides, Big Idea Club, Birding Club, Blue Key Society, Blue Strut, blue.print, Boss Magazine, Bread & Roses community kitchen volunteers, Bread Loaf Pen Pel Program, Bread Loaf Writing Workshop, Calliope (female a capella), Campuses against Cancer, Catholic Student Fellowship, Chess Club, Chinese Language & Culture Club, Chinese Taiwanese Student Association, Christian Fellowship Club, Classical Music Forum, Classical Physics Club, Classics Club, Cluster Ultimate Frisbee, Clutch Collaborative, Coed Crew, Community Awareness For Everyone (CAFE), Computer Science Club, Constructed Languages Club, Courant Art & Literary Magazine, Cross Country, Culinary Appreciation Club, Culture Politics & Religion (CPR), Cyber Security and Forensics Club, Dance Instruction, Dear Sam Wellness Club, Deerfield Dance Club, Deerfield Scroll -- Student Newspaper, Disability Rights, Disc Golf, Diversity Task Force, DJ Factory-Electronic Music Production, Documentary Society, Double Dutch, DramaLabs, Drug Alcohol Awareness Committee, Drum Line, EAT Club, Eco-Action, Education, Elements, Entrepreneurship Club, Environmental Action Group, Fashion Design Club, Fencing Club, Figure Skating Club, Film Makers Society, Finance & Politics of Sports, Finance Club, FIT (Fundamentals in Training), Fitness, Footnotes tap dance group, French Club, Frisbee Club, Frontline Political Magazine, Games Club, Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA), German Club, Girls Global Health, GirlUp Andover!, Global Health Initiative, Global Nomads, Gospel, Grill Club, Handbell Choir, Hindu Student Union, Hip Hop Club, Hypnotiq, Indo-Pak, Instructional Swim, International Club, International Review online publication, Intramural Hockey, Intramural Sports, Japanese Animeshon Club, Jewish Student Union, Junto, Justice NOW, Model UN, Modern Engineering Forum, Motorsports Club, Moviemakers Club, Music MDs, Muslim Student Union, Non sibi Society, Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (Friends of the Orphans), Out of the Blue, Outdoor Pursuits, Over the Hills and Farther Away, OXFAM, PA Democrats, PA Liberal Action, PA Republican Society, Paddle Tennis Club, Philomathean, Philosophy, Photography Club, Physical Health Information Team, Physics Club, Pilates, Ping Pong Club, Political Union, Pot Pourri Yearbook, Project V.O.I.C.E. (ESL), Psychology Club, Quiz Bowl, Real World Challenge aeronautics, Red Cross, Robotics Club, Science & Technology Club, Science and Medicine Journal Club, Science Club, Science Club for Girls, Se Puede After-School Tutoring Program, SIS Female Empowerment program, Skating, Sketchy comedy writing club, SLAM cheer team, South East Asian Club, Spanish, Speech Club, Spinning, Sports and Games Club, Sports Forum, Sports Medicine Club, Squash instruction, Student Activities Board, Student Anti-Genocide Coalition, Students in Medicine, Techmasters, Tennis Instruction, The Childrens Place volunteers, The Fellowship (FOCUS), Unaccompanied Minors, Under the Bed, UNICEF Club, VOICE-Foreign Language Magazine, Volleyball Instruction, Women's Forum, Word slam poetry club, WPAA Radio, Yoga, Yorkies, Youth Development Organization volunteers