You should ideally begin your boarding school search more than a year in advance of when you actually want to enroll. This should give you enough time to thoroughly research schools and arrive at well-informed decisions about where to apply; this also helps ensure that you have enough time to create a thoughtful application. Below is a sample calendar to help keep you on track.
If you're a little out-of-sync with the timeline below, don't be overly worried - this is only a rough guideline. While application and testing deadlines are key dates you'll need to follow, families differ in how long they need to explore and evaluate schools. If you're facing time-constraints (e.g., you're applying past the normal application deadlines) or are having difficulties with particular parts of this process (e.g., identifying appropriate schools to visit), consider obtaining the professional advice of an educational consultant.
For additional tips and articles about the boarding school admissions process, please visit The Prep School News Archive, a co-branded newsletter between AdmissionsQuest and Boarding School Review.
Sample Application Calendar
Month | Steps to Take |
May |
June |
July - August |
September - October |
November |
December |
January - February |
March |
April |
Congratulations! Once you've accepted an offer, your school will send you detailed information on any preparations you and your family need to make for the transition to boarding school (e.g., summer reading lists, tuition payment schedules, etc.).
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