Interlochen Arts Academy Photo - Music students study in the state-of-the-art Music Center, which features two large ensemble rehearsal halls, nine ensemble rooms, 25 teaching studios, a recording studio, and more.

Best Arts Boarding Schools (2025)

For the 2025 school year, there are 4 pre-professional arts boarding schools serving 1,231 students located within the United States.
While college-prep boarding schools generally have excellent arts programs, the schools below specialize further in helping students train and become artists in a variety of fields such as music, visual arts, theatre, ballet, and creative writing.
Students are prepared for entrance into either traditional colleges or specialty schools like music conservatories (e.g., Juilliard).

Top Arts Boarding Schools (2025)

Besant Hill School
Besant Hill School Photo - Besant Hill School is located in the Ojai Valley, on 500 acres of private land with beautiful vistas in every direction. Facilities include four dormitories, outdoor sports facilities including a new aquatic center, indoor theater, atelier, and classrooms nestled along winding paths and oak trees. We also have an eight acre organic farm.
8585 Ojai Santa Paula Road
Ojai, CA 93023
(805) 646-4343
Grades: 9-12, PG
| 100 students
Idyllwild Arts Academy
Idyllwild Arts Academy Photo - Idyllwild Arts Academy is home to 280 students from 30 countries and 26 US states, all devoted to intensive study of the arts. Located 2 hours from Los Angeles, 2 hours from San Diego, and 1 hour from Palm Springs, the Academy is an artistic crossroads for Southern California.
52500 Temecula Road
Idyllwild, CA 92549
(951) 468-7223
Grades: 9-12, PG
| 280 students
Interlochen Arts Academy
Interlochen Arts Academy Photo - Music students study in the state-of-the-art Music Center, which features two large ensemble rehearsal halls, nine ensemble rooms, 25 teaching studios, a recording studio, and more.
4000 J Maddy Pkwy
Interlochen, MI 49643
(231) 276-7472
Grades: 9-12, PG
| 567 students
12 Highland Street
Natick, MA 01760
(508) 650-5020
Grades: 9-12, PG
| 284 students

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