For Administrators

Navigating the Modern Maze: Emerging Challenges for Boarding Schools

Navigating the Modern Maze: Emerging Challenges for Boarding Schools
Explore the pressing challenges facing boarding schools, from marketing difficulties and rising insurance costs to facility maintenance and recruitment of competent trustees and teachers. This article delves into these complex issues and proposes innovative strategies to overcome them.

In the vast and evolving educational landscape, boarding schools have stood as beacons of tradition, discipline, and academic rigor. These institutions not only provide quality education but also foster personal development, independence, and resilience in students. However, boarding schools are currently navigating a complex maze of challenges. The obstacles are multifaceted, from marketing difficulties and rising insurance costs to facility maintenance and recruitment of competent trustees and teachers. This article aims to delve into these challenges and suggest potential solutions.

Marketing Challenges

Historically, boarding schools thrived on word-of-mouth marketing and their reputations for producing well-rounded, academically accomplished students. However, shifting societal norms, increased competition and the rise of digital media have disrupted these traditional strategies. Boarding schools now face the challenge of attracting a diverse student body, both domestically and internationally, while also addressing concerns about the value of the boarding school experience.

To overcome these challenges, schools need to adopt personalized admissions processes that highlight the unique benefits of their institution. Furthermore, leveraging digital marketing strategies, such as social media and content marketing, can extend their reach to prospective students and parents. Crucially, boarding schools must work to create unique selling propositions that distinguish them from their competition and resonate with today's discerning families.

This video offers suggestions for marketing your school.

Rising Costs of Liability and Property Insurance

The increasing liability and property insurance costs pose significant challenges for boarding schools. Factors such

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Navigating Crisis: Best Practices in Public Relations for Boarding Schools

Navigating Crisis: Best Practices in Public Relations for Boarding Schools
Discover effective strategies for handling crises in boarding schools and maintaining a positive reputation. This article explores best practices in public relations, emphasizing transparent communication with the community, parents, and the media. Learn from real-life examples of successful crisis responses and the pitfalls of stonewalling. Gain insights into community engagement, parent communication, media management, and the importance of proactive measures. Elevate your school's crisis management approach and foster trust during challenging times. Read now to ensure your boarding school is well-prepared to navigate any crisis with resilience and integrity.

Handling a crisis at a boarding school requires effective communication and strategic public relations to safeguard the institution's reputation and maintain trust within the community. This article will explore best practices for engaging with the community, parents, and the media during a crisis. Additionally, we will examine examples of successful and unsatisfactory crisis responses and emphasize the perils of stonewalling.

Engaging with the Community

During a crisis, it is crucial to establish open and transparent lines of communication with the community. You can achieve this through proactive measures such as holding town hall meetings, organizing information sessions, and leveraging digital platforms. These efforts demonstrate the school's commitment to addressing concerns and ensuring the well-being of students. In addition, timely updates, clear information, and empathetic messaging are essential to foster trust and maintain a positive image.

Example of a Positive Response

Consider the example of a boarding school that faced allegations of bullying within its student body. The school immediately initiated a comprehensive anti-bullying campaign involving the students, faculty, and parents. They organized awareness programs and workshops and implemented a reporting system to address concerns promptly. By openly acknowledging the issue and taking swift action, the school demonstrated its commitment to student welfare and rebuilt community trust.

This video explains crisis management.

Interacting with Parents

Parents play a vital role in a boarding school community, and effective communication during a crisis is crucial. Inform parents promptly

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Things That Keep Me Awake At Night

Things That Keep Me Awake At Night
The pandemic has upended our lives in ways we never imagined. Heads of school also have been impacted as they try to plan for the future. Concerns about enrolment, community safety, and the school's finances are just a few of their worries.

2020 was a most unusual year. The coronavirus pandemic has turned everything upside down and inside out. Nothing is normal. All of this has impacted boarding schools in ways they never expected. While most private school boards of trustees are smart enough to have a resumption of business plans in place and adequate insurance coverage for the school plant and the usual liability issues, very few school trustees ever expected to be dealing with so many challenges converging at the same time. Against that backdrop, I thought it would be helpful to conduct a fictional interview with a head of school. After all, her concerns are probably yours as well.

Rob: What challenges at school in the fall of the next academic year keep you awake at night?

Head of school: Oh, Rob! Where do I begin? There are so many things demanding my attention. My workday starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 10 p.m. if I'm lucky. And I work every day to keep my head above water.

Rob: What then is your most pressing concern?

Head of school: My number one concern is the financial condition of my school. The board and I had not budgeted for dozens of ofCOVID-19-related expenses. Tasks such as wiping down all the frequently touched surfaces like door handles, light switches, stair rails, and so much more are essential while the pandemic is all around us. We had to hire a deep-cleaning service to sanitize our common areas every evening.

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COVID-19: A Head Of School's Worst Nightmares

COVID-19: A Head Of School's Worst Nightmares
This is a fictional interview with the head of a boarding school. After all, her concerns are probably yours as well.

2020 has turned out to be a most unusual year. The coronavirus pandemic has turned everything upside down and inside out. Nothing is normal. All of this has impacted boarding schools in ways they never expected. While most private school boards of trustees are smart enough to have resumption of business plans in place and adequate insurance coverage for the school plant and the usual liability issues, very few school trustees ever expected to be dealing with so many challenges converging at the same time. Against that backdrop, I thought it would be useful to conduct a fictional interview with the head of a boarding school. After all, her concerns are probably yours as well.

Rob: What challenges at school in the fall of 2020 keep you awake at night?

Head of school: Oh, Rob! Where do I begin? There are so many things demanding my attention. My workday starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 10 p.m. if I'm lucky. And I work every day just to keep my head above water.

Rob: What then is your most pressing concern?

Head of school: My number one concern is the financial condition of my school. The board and I had not budgeted for dozens of ofCOVID-19-related expenses. Tasks such as wiping down all the frequently touched surfaces like door handles, light switches, stair rails, and so much more are essential while the pandemic is all around us. We had to hire a deep-cleaning service to sanitize our common

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Alumni Relations Apps

Alumni Relations Apps
Your graduates can do everything on their smartphones with one click. An alumni relations app will allow them to click a gift to their alma mater. More here.

These days there's an app for everything. Apps have been around since Apple launched its App Store in 2008. Since then, Android's Play Store and Apple's App Store have grown to offer more than 4 million apps. Because apps reside on smartphones, they are always ready to use. Apps are an efficient way to shop, do your banking, schedule an Uber, scan your boarding pass, listen to your favorite music and so much more. That's why your boarding school needs an app for its alumni. Because your graduates are spread far and wide geographically, your alumni app will keep them in the loop. That's important to them because they love the school which gave them such a great start in life. It's vital for your finances because easily accessible information and communications will lead to successful annual fund drives and major gifts.

This video illustrates what an alumni app can do.

Stay connected.

Obviously, your more recent graduates are an app-friendly lot. So, it just makes so much sense to keep in touch with them via the method which they use all the time. Snail-mail and even email will not get their attention the way your wonderful, informative app will. Snail-mail and email have their place. Your older alumni will probably appreciate your communicating with them that way. However, don't assume anything. Many 70 and 80-year-olds love using apps and their smartphones. They were

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