Schools for Students with Learning Differences
Every parent deals with learning issues as their children progress through school. Not understanding math concepts is one thing, but what if you suddenly realize your child can't read? He cannot process the characters on the page to make sense of them. That's a whole different thing. You need to deal with this issue as it will not disappear. Read the information on All Kinds of Minds. Understand that there is much research on learning differences and disabilities. Realize that processing information, developing good study habits, and much more are essential aspects of what you are dealing with. The National Center for Learning Disabilities lays out a road map for you.
If you let this go on without remediating it, he will have more significant issues as he heads into adolescence. You cannot allow him to become discouraged. It makes so much more sense to begin helping him right now. To delay merely postpones the inevitable.
The first thing you need to do is have him assessed professionally. You will receive many opinions from family and friends. These people mean well, but their observations and opinions cannot be considered authoritative. Your child's future is at stake. Spend the money to have a thorough evaluation performed by an experienced professional. You must find out the parameters of his learning disability. An in-depth assessment will look at every aspect of how he processes information. Once that's done, you can