Phillips Academy Andover Photo - The quintessential New England campus is 21 miles to Boston by car or train, and a 10 minute walk to downtown Andover.

German Club At Boarding Schools

There are 5 boarding schools offering german club as an extracurricular activity.

Top German Club Boarding Schools (2025)

Baylor School
Baylor School Photo - Baylor School is situated on 690 acres along the Tennessee River.
171 Baylor School Road
Chattanooga, TN 37405
(423) 267-5902
Grades: 9-12
6-12 (day)
| 1,050 students
Georgetown Preparatory School
Georgetown Preparatory School Photo - The Yard is the heart of campus where the students pass between classes, and meet up for clubs and spirit events.
10900 Rockville Pike
North Bethesda, MD 20852
(301) 214-1215
Grades: 9-12
| 507 students
Middlesex School
Middlesex School Photo - English Class
1400 Lowell Road
Concord, MA 01742
(978) 371-6524
Grades: 9-12
| 420 students
Phillips Academy Andover
Phillips Academy Andover Photo - The quintessential New England campus is 21 miles to Boston by car or train, and a 10 minute walk to downtown Andover.
180 Main Street
Andover, MA 01810
(978) 749-4050
Grades: 9-12, PG
| 1,154 students
St. Mark's School
St. Mark's School Photo - St. Mark's School
25 Marlboro Road
Southborough, MA 01772
(508) 786-6118
Grades: 9-12
| 377 students

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