Read more details about Culver Academies on their 2025 profile page.
Reflections and Advice:
1.) What do you think makes your school unique relative to other boarding schools?
The Culver Academies is a safe and nurturing environment for students to discover who they are and what they want to become. Culver not only allowed me to excel academically, but my involvement in many extracurricular activities taught me how balance my life. In addition, Culver allowed me to make life-long friendship that I still nurture to this day.
2.) What was the best thing that happened to you in boarding school?
The best thing that happened to me at Culver was graduating with Honors in Science. I had to single-handedly conduct and present an independent study on the effects of hemispheric brain dominance on pitch discrimination. There were so many trials and tribulations that I had to overcome, but in the end when I presented my findings at Notre Dame and to the Culver Science department, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. This ability to work hard, and strive for distant goals has carried over into my career.
3.) What might you have done differently during your boarding school experience?
My best advice for someone going to boarding school is to get out and experience as much of the school as possible. You will eventually find what and who you like, but you can't do that sitting in your room/dorm all the time. Boarding school is like any other endeavor in your life, you only get out of it what you put in it.
4.) What did you like most about your school?
Overall, I liked Culver's ability to develop a whole person - mind, body, and spirit. Their motto seems so cliche, but I feel like I would not have developed at the rapid pace I did, had Culver not prepared me the way they did. I would HIGHLY recommend this school to any family who wants their child to have a foundation in education, social ability, and leadership.
5.) Do you have any final words of wisdom for visiting or incoming students to your school?
Make sure you actually walk around the whole campus. There are so many things to see! Also, visit the Shack!!! They have the best snack food.
1.) Describe the academics at your school - what did you like most about it?
The academics at Culver are taken very seriously. While at Culver, we were required to study from 7:30PM - 9:30PM Sunday through Thursday. I am thankful everyday for having this kind of structure in my life so young because when I went to college, I could impose a schedule on myself to ensure that I would make good grades and still be able to go out with friends. In addition, the professors at Culver really do go our of their way to make learning as easy and as fun as possible. Luckily, most of the professors live close to campus, and they are willing to meet any student at anytime to help with assignments. Through this process, I have gained life-long relationships with many of my professors.
1.) Describe the athletics at your school - what did you like most about it?
The athletic program at Culver is a lot larger than I expected initially. In fact, many of the sports that are offered at Culver, I had never experienced before (i.e. Lacrosse and Polo.) During my tenure at Culver, I played volleyball and ice hockey. I could not have asked for anymore from these experiences. The athletic facilities are held to professional standards, and even though we are a private school, we still got to experience the fun of going on road trips and seeing other places.
Art, Music, and Theatre:
1.) Describe the arts program at your school - what did you like most about it?
During my tenure at Culver, I was heavily involved in the music program. I was a member and vice-president of the Chapel Choir, a member of the Trouvere Choir (Honors Choir), and I took private voice lessons. Chapel Choir practice was held almost everyday, and we performed at either Catholic or Protestant service. However, my most enjoyable experience was the opportunity to try-out and be a member of the Indiana State Choir. I feel like my experiences in the Culver Choirs, as well as private voice lessons, allowed me to perform at the state level.
Extracurricular Opportunities:
1.) Describe the extracurriculars offered at your school - what did you like most about it?
I was heavily involved in extracurricular student organizations the last leadership rotation of my senior year. As a result of having the Dorm Chair position, I was a member of the Culver Girls Academy Council (Council that governs CGA), the Common Council (Council that govern CGA and CMA), and I had weekly meetings with the Dean of Girls for CGA. At Culver, the faculty do merely oversee the day to day running and decision making process of the students as they govern their own school.
Dorm Life:
1.) Describe the dorm life in your school - what did you like most about it?
I loved dorm life at Culver! As many people know, living with another person is not always easy, but dorm life taught me how to be more responsible, patient, and empathetic. Dorm inspections were done daily by the Resident Assistant. We had to make sure that our bed was made, clothes were off the floor, and the room was in general order. Also, I decided to do my own laundry, which many other girls did as well. Just a little side story, but I remember that I did not get along with my Resident Assistant when I first arrived at Culver, but we had become so close by the time I graduated that I cried when I had to leave her!
1.) Describe the dining arrangements at your school.
The dining hall at Culver was not only beautiful, but they made pretty good food. I think my favorite part of the dining experience was getting variety. Toward the end of my tenure at Culver, the dining hall was becoming very health conscious. In fact, they took out the soda machines, and made a conscious effort to make food with better nutritional value. In addition, the dining hall made an effort to accommodate all the students different schedules. For example, my hockey practice time could be anytime between 4PM and 9PM. The dining hall always made sure that we were taken care of, even if it meant making boxed dinners and delivering them to us.
Social and Town Life:
1.) Describe the school's town and surrounding area.
The town of Culver is a small, safe town to visit. To go to town, the students walk a trail from the campus to the main road. There is a movie theatre (that plays one movie a week,) many restaurants, and few places to shop. The most gratifying part about going to town is that it is a privilege. Your class, academic standing, and disciplinary standing, determine how many times a week a student is allowed to go to town.
2.) Describe the social life at your school - what did you like most about it?
The social life at Culver was enjoyable. The school sponsored events that the students could attend (i.e. concerts, dances, Friday night athletic games.) Although, the school is located in a small town, there always seemed like there was something to do. Like I said before, Culver is where I made my life-long friendships, and I am sure that the social life Culver provided my with that opportunity.
Daily Schedule:
6:30 AM
Wake up, Get ready, Go to Breakfast at the Dining Hall
8:00 AM
Classes Begin (8 periods including lunch)
3:30 PM
Classes End
4:00 PM
Hockey/Weight Training Practice Begins
6:00 PM
Hockey/Weight Training Practice Ends
6:15 PM
Choir Practice Begins
7:15 PM
Choice Practice Ends
7:30 PM
Mandatory Study Hours (CQ) Begins
9:30 PM
Mandatory Study Hours (CQ) Ends, 45 minutes of Free Time Begins
10:15 PM
Lights Out (Additional Study time may be requested)
8:00 AM
Wake Up and Go to Breakfast at the Dining Hall
9:00 AM
Arrive back at the dorm to get ready
10:00 AM
Go into town to shop and go to a movie
11:00 AM
Movie Begins
1:30 PM
Go to a local restaurant for lunch
3:00 PM
Arrive back at campus
3:30 PM
Free Time (Do laundry, finish homework, hang out with friends, etc...
5:30 PM
Get ready for social activities at night.
7:00 AM
Students allowed to be on campus in their own clothes. Culver sponsors movies, concerts, etc...
10:30 AM
Students have to be the dorms, but do not have to go to sleep
Read more details about Culver Academies on their 2025 profile page.
Alumni Reviews Review School
There is a vast international student acceptance which allows you to learn other cultures. Is also a very good school because it teaches you the importance of manners and routines (this is because is a. . .
One unique aspect of Culver is the requirement of a senior service project for graduation. Personally, I made the most out of this opportunity and took a trip to Morocco to give aid to the. . .
Culver's leadership development programs make it unique among boarding schools. Students are required to enroll in leadership development classes and participate in the leadership system. For boys this takes the form of the military system. . .
Show more reviews (18 reviews)
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