Families who live outside the United States and who are not American citizens or Permanent Residents have to deal with a couple of additional steps when thinking of sending their children to an American boarding school. In 2021 the pandemic has made boarding school admissions very difficult, largely because travel is so problematic. Once travel restrictions have been lifted or made less onerous, then we can review the steps involved in getting your child admitted to an American boarding school.
The cost
Tuition at boarding school ranges from $20,000 to over $75,000. And this does not include sundries such as music lessons, trips, sports equipment, use of the equestrian facilities, and so on. There are a host of ‘extras’ that also must be factored into the cost of a boarding school education. Textbook and academic material fees, sports fees, clothing, uniforms, transportation to and from school, application fees – the list seems endless. Most schools will provide a breakdown of the ‘extras’ for you upon request. Costs vary greatly from school to school for several reasons. Sound management and healthy endowments are two major reasons why some schools seem to be able to offer more for less.
The other point to remember is that American boarding schools receive no state funding, although they must comply with all the state laws and local regulations which affect their daily operation. Retrofitting older buildings with new technologies, maintaining extensive physical plants, coping with soaring health and liability insurance, legal, and energy