What To Wear at Your Job Interview
It's tough enough getting an interview in the first place.
- Why ruin your chances by turning up in the wrong attire?
- Because you are applying for a teaching position in a boarding school, you must be particularly aware of how you dress.
Why is how you look important? The first impression an interviewer has of you is a lasting one.
- This snapshot of you must convey a positive image of who you are and the value you bring to the situation.
- Indeed, many hiring decisions are made subconsciously as soon as the interviewer looks at you.
- Because the job market is highly competitive, your primary goal is to have the first interview go so well that you make the shortlist for the second interview.
- The way in which you dress is one part of the picture your future employer will have.
- Make sure that you create the very best impression possible.
Canva generated this picture of a young man arriving for his interview with a senior member of staff.
Dress to the level of the job environment.
Teachers are exemplars to the young people they teach.
- The way you dress sets an example, just as your speech patterns do.
- It is always sensible to dress conservatively when you interview for a teaching position.
- Nor does it matter what that position is.
- Whether you are applying for the Spanish teacher position