Is online learning not working for you and your son? Are you concerned about his missing out on enrichment and other activities? During these unsettling times when the pandemic keeps reappearing, when you thought it had abated, maybe boarding school is a good education solution for your child. But you will never know until you explore the idea thoroughly. Before beginning your research into boarding schools, tune out the negative things you read about boarding schools. After all, the media tends to focus on sensational stories that don't show boarding schools as they are. See for yourself. A quick call or an email is all it takes to make an appointment for a visit. Cost is another consideration that keeps many parents from considering boarding school education. But boarding school may be more affordable than you think. That's because most schools offer very generous financial aid programs. Any boarding school's admissions staff will be too happy to explain how financial aid works.
Now that those considerations are out of the way, answer these questions to help you make the important decision about sending your child to a residential school.
1. Want to "stretch" your child?
If you are content with the status quo, boarding school is probably not a good idea. Why? Your child will embark on an incredible adventure by going to boarding school. She will be exposed to all kinds of new ideas and different points of view. She can select academic