For the 2025 school year, there are 10 boarding schools offering intramural sports only as an interscholastic sport, serving 3,194 students.
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Top Intramural Sports Only Boarding Schools (2025)
80 chemin Moulton Hill
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J1M 1Z8
(819) 566-0238
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J1M 1Z8
(819) 566-0238
Grades: 7-12
| 285 students
520 Hwy. 1 North
Camden, SC 29020
(803) 432-6001
Camden, SC 29020
(803) 432-6001
Grades: 7-12, PG
| 300 students
1003 Main Street West
Hamilton, Canada L8S 4P3
(905) 572-7883
Hamilton, Canada L8S 4P3
(905) 572-7883
Grades: 9-12
| 1,700 students
225 S. Wayne Avenue
Waynesboro, VA 22980
(540) 946-7706
Waynesboro, VA 22980
(540) 946-7706
Grades: 8-12
6-12 (day)
6-12 (day)
| 95 students
6155 Fountain Valley School Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80911
(719) 391-5251
Colorado Springs, CO 80911
(719) 391-5251
Grades: 9-12
| 230 students
614 South Main Street
Woodstock, VA 22664
(540) 459-2167
Woodstock, VA 22664
(540) 459-2167
Grades: 8-12, PG
| 120 students
Alajuela Province, Nueva Cumbre
Atenas, Costa Rica 20501
Atenas, Costa Rica 20501
Grades: 9-12, PG
| 24 students
1500 Port Arthur Road
Ladysmith, WI 54848
(715) 609-1723
Ladysmith, WI 54848
(715) 609-1723
Grades: 9-12, PG
| 30 students
2317 Oak Ridge Road
Oak Ridge, NC 27310
(336) 515-8040
Oak Ridge, NC 27310
(336) 515-8040
Grades: 7-12
| 120 students
2001 Riverside Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
(877) 692-2338
Gainesville, GA 30501
(877) 692-2338
Grades: 6-12
| 290 students
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