Read more details about Salisbury School on their 2024-25 profile page.
Reflections and Advice:
1.) What do you think makes your school unique relative to other boarding schools?
One of the few all-male boarding schools remaining in New England, Salisbury School doesn't disappoint. This is the greatest aspect of the school. Having attended a coed boarding school prior, Salisbury was a completely different experience. The atmosphere is truly unique, and students love being there. Teachers and students enjoy a stronger bond, being able to be themselves in class, on the fields, etc. they connect more so than at other boarding schools. Never before have I seen more men cry in a single day than on Salisbury Graduation. The school attracts the best of boys, and the best of faculty. The headmaster is also unlike others I have met. A true Salisbury Gentleman, there is no one better suited to, or admires the school, as much as he does. The athletics also enjoy a different bond. Teams spend time with others, there are no cults at Salisbury. My best friends were not even on the same teams as me, they came from all parts of the school.
2.) What was the best thing that happened to you in boarding school?
The best thing that happened to me at boarding school was not being accepted to my "top" schools. I hadn't even applied to or looked at Salisbury the spring of my senior year, and when I visited i knew it was the place for me. Attending Salisbury changed my life for the better. I love that school and everything about it. It was the best year of my life and I wish I had known about the school earlier.
3.) What might you have done differently during your boarding school experience?
Take advantage of everything, classes, sports, extra-curricular. You only have one chance, enjoy it while it lasts. Know that it only last for a few years, and know that it will change your life forever.
4.) What did you like most about your school?
Everything. I loved all aspects of the school. The single sex education, the sports, the passion, the brotherhood, the school spirit, the kids, the teachers, it was all perfect.
5.) Do you have any final words of wisdom for visiting or incoming students to your school?
Before you graduate you should do all of the following. 1. walk to the falls on a Sunday and swim with your friends 2. explore the caves 3. check out the cliffs 4. go to as many games as possible. Enjoy the brotherhood, it doesn't get any better than at Salisbury. I personally lived in, and loved, Main dorm. It is located in the main building on campus, above the dining hall, admissions department, and deans halls.
1.) Describe the academics at your school - what did you like most about it?
At Salisbury there is a strong teacher student relationship. Teachers are involved in every aspect of a students life, from the admission process, to the classroom, to athletics, etc. The same teachers are there for students when ever they need them. Teachers routinely make time for their students as their only goals are for them to succeed and to enjoy their time on the Hilltop. Teachers and tutors are also at the disposal of every student who wishes to have extra help. Salisbury prides itself on the Rudd Learning Center and is set apart from other schools with this addition. A wide variety of classes are made available, and the administration does all that is possible to allow students to take the classes they desire. The workload was roughly 2 hours of work per night, and there is more than enough time to complete it during the day.
1.) Describe the athletics at your school - what did you like most about it?
The intensity of sports is very high at Salisbury. Routinely sending teams to post-season tournaments, and always a contender, Salisbury is known for its athletics. Students are required to participate in a sport in two of the three seasons, and many opt for three sports. The schedule can get quite hectic at times, but it is something i enjoyed very much about the school. I was able to try new sports, as well as focus on others. Students also don't burn out by just focusing on one sport throughout the years. I personally dint want to focus on one sport for an entire year, the availability of others was something i can't currently enjoy in college.
Art, Music, and Theatre:
1.) Describe the arts program at your school - what did you like most about it?
Although Salisbury isn't known for its art programs, they are made available to the entire student body, and are often taken advantage of. Annual plays are extra curricular activities, and attract students who are truly devoted to theater. I noticed the plays to be much better than my previous school, where students could perform in a play as opposed to participating in a sport. The arts department offers a wide variety of classes. Classes include studio art, pottery, wood working, boat making, etc. Students are able to focus on something other than academics or sports, and enjoy art. I took the wood working class, and was able to learn a great deal about carpentry by making a coffee table for my dorm room. My roommate decided to take the boat building class to another level and construct a surf board which he was able to enjoy this past summer.
Extracurricular Opportunities:
1.) Describe the extracurriculars offered at your school - what did you like most about it?
With the full daily schedule extra-curricular activities were not as prevalent at Salisbury as they could have been. This, however, did not prevent students from being able to participate. Throughout the year there are many opportunities to participate. Many students become either tour guides, chapel assistants, or help the community. There are weekly trips to local soup kitchens, and Salisbury takes great pride in helping others.
Dorm Life:
1.) Describe the dorm life in your school - what did you like most about it?
Each dorm is different at Salisbury. The more centrally located dorms offer smaller rooms, but lots of convenience, while the dorms further away have much larger rooms. Friends, however, do not necessarily live in the same dorm, as they each have different desires of where to live. Dorm living is something I enjoyed thoroughly while at boarding school. Not many kids have the convenience of living in the same area as their best friends, and it is extremely easy to find people to hang out with while living in a dorm. Salisbury also does a great job of matching new students with their roommates, and if the students wish, changing is not a problem. Dorm parents are always available to students, and all enjoy living in close proximity with the boys. This living situation makes it easy for students and teachers to get to know one another even better. The dining hall closes around 7:00pm each night, and as soon as study hall ends (9:30pm) many students make their ways to Belin Lodge, the campus student center, equipped with a snack bar. Many students take their time after study hall to meet up in Belin and enjoy some food while watching tv.
1.) Describe the dining arrangements at your school.
The dining hall at Salisbury was top-notch. The staff was always friendly, and knew how to feed 300 hungry boys right. The food service closes after typical meal times, but students are allowed to go in and make themselves coffee, tea or hot coco. Fruit is also available all day for those who want a healthy snack between classes. Sit down meals occur twice a week in the fall and spring, one lunch and one dinner. During these meals students commonly sit with their advisers and talk about how things are going in school. There was also a post-all school meeting cookie break, where students got together to enjoy chocolate chip cookies and milk.
Social and Town Life:
1.) Describe the school's town and surrounding area.
There is not much going on around Salisbury School, as it is located in rural CT. This, however, does not mean there is nothing for the students to do. The town of Salisbury is home to many great restaurants, as well as the neighboring Hotchkiss School. Weekends are also a time where students go into town to watch movies, get some grocery shopping done, or enjoy a good meal off campus.
2.) Describe the social life at your school - what did you like most about it?
Everyone was friendly with each other at Salisbury. My best friends are from this school, people I will continue to be friends with for the rest of my life.
Daily Schedule:
7:30 AM
Wake up
8:00 AM
Classes begin
11:30 AM
12:30 AM
Class resumes
1:30 PM
Free period at some point
3:30 PM
Classes end, athletics begin
6:30 PM
Last athletic practices end, dinner
7:30 PM
Study hall until 9:30
10:00 PM
Dorm check-in
12:00 PM
Go to sleep
7:00 AM
Wake up- breakfast
8:00 AM
Classes (2 or 3 of them)
12:00 AM
3:30 PM
Games begin
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
Hang with friends, play video games, etc.
11:00 PM
Dorm check-in
3:00 AM
Go to Sleep
Read more details about Salisbury School on their 2024-25 profile page.
Alumni Reviews Review School
Salisbury has a beautiful campus and is made for boys.. . .
One of the few all-male boarding schools remaining in New England, Salisbury School doesn't disappoint. This is the greatest aspect of the school. Having attended a coed boarding school prior, Salisbury was a completely different. . .
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