Read more details about The Webb School on their 2025 profile page.
Reflections and Advice:
1.) What do you think makes your school unique relative to other boarding schools?
The Webb School's steadfast commitment to the moral code that it has established is truly inspirational. Webb promotes free inquiry, critical analysis, mutual respect and tolerance and fairness and honestly. There is something unique about Webb; something special. Webb is a place where character is built.
2.) What was the best thing that happened to you in boarding school?
Coming in my freshmen year as a shy and reserved social recluse and graduating my senior year as a confident and determined Student Body President.
3.) What might you have done differently during your boarding school experience?
My biggest regret at Webb was not fully taking advantage Webb's leadership organizations and being more involved in competitive team sports during my freshmen and sophomore year.
4.) What did you like most about your school?
The faculty, the leadership opportunities, the activities, the sports, the dorms, the students... hmmm, perhaps everything.
5.) Do you have any final words of wisdom for visiting or incoming students to your school?
Take advantage of the leadership opportunities at Webb; they are simply too valuable to pass up.Get to know the faculty because they will most likely become some of your best friends.
1.) Describe the academics at your school - what did you like most about it?
Webb truly cares about its students, and this is a fact that shows. During my freshmen year, the seven-classes-a-day schedule present at Webb was incredibly hectic and stressful. Webb immediately noticed the physical toll it was taking on its students and decided to completely alter their schedule to fit their needs. I believe that their new schedule consisting of three 80 minute classes a day is quite effective and stress relieving. This gives students the opportunity to learn necessary time management skills and prepare them for life behind high school. Furthermore, their new schedule is quite similar to the schedule a student may face in college; hence, being a college preparatory school, I believe having such a academic routine is quite appropriate.
1.) Describe the athletics at your school - what did you like most about it?
Although Webb sports may not necessarily have the most championships under its belt, it is still an absolutely phenomenal program. Webb encourages all students to participate in a competitive team sport, without regard to their innate athletic talent. It's is not everyday, one can find a school that values participation, co-operation and sportsmanship over futile things such as wins and championships. From Webb sports, I, along with all of the other students, have had the opportunity to learn dedication, humility, and honor - this, I can say, is more important than a championship title.
Art, Music, and Theatre:
1.) Describe the arts program at your school - what did you like most about it?
Unfortunately, I do not have too much to say about Webb's art program, for
I was never directly involved in many of their activities. However, as a student who has gone to multiple school concerts, dance performances, plays and more, I can certainly say that Webb's art program is doing something right.
Extracurricular Opportunities:
1.) Describe the extracurriculars offered at your school - what did you like most about it?
The leadership opportunities offered at Webb are simply phenomenal. With predominately student run organizations such as ASB, The Honor Committee, Dorm Council and more, Webb students have a vast array of opportunities to garner valuable leadership experience. Ultimately, the leadership programs at Webb are so unique, successful and effective because Webb entrusts their students with a great amount of responsibility.
My time on ASB has easily been the most memorable, life-changing experience that I have ever had. I don't believe I could be even half the person I am today, if I hadn't chosen to participate in Webb's leadership programs.
Dorm Life:
1.) Describe the dorm life in your school - what did you like most about it?
From living in Webb dorms for 4 years, I have developed many close relationships. I am quite confident that I will never have friends that will be as close to me as the ones that had I made at Webb. I feel deeply indebted to The Webb Schools for providing me with countless opportunities to become best friends with some of the greatest people that I have ever known. Studying together, playing games together, participating in dorms activities together, and even doing work crews together, are things my friends and I at Webb did together daily.
You'd be surprised how strong of a bond one can develop with another from being together at Webb for four years.
1.) Describe the dining arrangements at your school.
The dining hall is a pleasant and comfortable place where students can go freely to eat, mingle and relax. I have always enjoyed going to the dining hall. The kitchen staff is friendly, the furniture is appealing and the atmosphere present is quite therapeutic. I have had countless memories from simply being in the dining hall.
Social and Town Life:
1.) Describe the school's town and surrounding area.
Webb does a great job at trying to give students as many opportunities to explore the neighboring attractions as possible. The weekly van runs to target, the movies, the mall and grocery stores are very convenient and cost effective. From the van runs alone, one can get just about everything he/she could possibly need to survive. Most students also have the option to take a taxi to other places if they desired. Even being at Webb for 4 years, I have never gotten tired of going out on a Friday or Saturday night. Claremont is an incredibly pleasant city and there are seemingly always things to do.
2.) Describe the social life at your school - what did you like most about it?
There are a myriad of opportunities for students to socialize daily. ASB consistently puts forth a great amount of effort to orchestrate new and exciting events for students to participate in. There is seemingly always something going on at Webb and as long as one makes an effort to be involved in those activities, it is quite challenging to be bored.
Daily Schedule:
8:00 AM
Wake up and shower
8:30 AM
First class of the day
9:45 AM
Go to chapel
10:15 AM
Get a snack from the dining hall
10:30 AM
Second class of the day
11:45 AM
Eat lunch in the dining hall
1:30 PM
Third class of the day
2:45 PM
Go to sports or afternoon activities
5:30 PM
Eat dinner with friends
7:45 PM
Do homework
10:00 AM
Wake up and shower
10:30 AM
Go down to the dining hall to eat with friends
11:00 AM
Sign up for a few van runs
12:00 AM
Go to the mall with friends
4:45 PM
Come back to school
5:30 PM
Sign up for a movie run
6:00 PM
Go to the movies
6:15 PM
Eat at Chiles with friends
7:00 PM
Watch a Movie
10:30 PM
Come back to school
Read more details about The Webb School on their 2025 profile page.
Alumni Reviews Review School
The Webb School's steadfast commitment to the moral code that it has established is truly inspirational. Webb promotes free inquiry, critical analysis, mutual respect and tolerance and fairness and honestly. There is something unique about. . .
The relationships that are built between the faculty and the students is phenomenal. The teachers are willing to work with the students until they have a firm grasp on the material. The faculty not only. . .
Small classes and a teaching community dedicated to its students make Webb feel like a home. Teachers are always available to help, support, and listen to their students. The honor code instills a sense of. . .
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