About Boarding Schools

Here you’ll find basic information on boarding schools and why they may be the best choice for your child. Get answers to some of the most frequently asked questions, dispel boarding school myths, and learn what separates a boarding school from other private school options.

View the most popular articles in About Boarding Schools:

What Makes Boarding School Special?

What Makes Boarding School Special?
Uncover the unique aspects that make boarding schools special. This article explores the comprehensive educational experience offered by boarding schools, including community living, character development, formation of lifelong friendships, and a holistic approach to learning that goes beyond academics.

What Makes Boarding School Special?

What makes a boarding school unique? I know some of you reading this will say "the cost." No, what I have in mind are the characteristics of a boarding school that set it apart from private day schools and public schools. Back to cost, however. Let's get that out of the way. Most boarding schools have incredibly generous financial aid programs. No deserving applicant will be turned away because his family cannot afford the tuition and fees. On the other hand, if $60,000 or more is a tariff that you can handle using your own resources, then the cost is not an impediment.

It's an adventure.

I happen to think that The Association for Boarding Schools got it right when it describes boarding school as an adventure. You and I, as parents, know that learning will be an adventure. At least, that was always our intent when our daughters went off to boarding school. It's the new friends your child will make who will be part of the adventure. These are friends who will be with her 24/7 for weeks during school. These are classmates she will bring home for a weekend. I still remember yesterday when my eldest daughter arrived home for an afternoon with one of her new friends. We lived about 10 miles from the school. Her classmate was from out of state. While their laundry was in the washer and dryer, the two girls

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Need Some More Reasons To Consider Boarding School?

Need Some More Reasons To Consider Boarding School?
"I'm wasting my time thinking about boarding school." No, you're not. Here's why.

I am writing this short article with your son or daughter in mind. Send them the link, print it out, and leave it out where they might just find it and maybe even read it. I have drawn heavily on my own children's comments and opinions about going off to boarding school.

To you who are thinking about boarding school

You may think it is a waste of time even thinking about going away to boarding school. Your parents seem to like the idea. But you are not so sure. I suggest that you start with these reasons why boarding school may be a more viable option than you ever thought it could be.

There is a boarding school for you.

Boarding schools are not like other schools. You get to pick and choose the school you want to attend. Yes, you'll have to make new friends. They will be brand new friends who will accept you just as you are. Right now. You see, boarding schools don't have cliques like you will find in public schools. You don't have to worry about being accepted socially. Once the school admits you, you are accepted socially. That's just the way a boarding school community works. Tolerance and diversity rule. Everybody pretty much dresses the same in boarding school, so nobody is going to tease you about what you are wearing. Bullying? Bullying will get you in major trouble, probably even expelled.

This video from The

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eBooks about Boarding School

eBooks about Boarding School
Many of the more popular books about boarding school are now available in eReader format. Here's a selection of non-fiction and fiction for your reading pleasure.

An eReader makes reading a very convenient pastime because you can take dozens of books with you just about anywhere you go. Most of these titles can also be downloaded from your local library in eReader format. Happy reading!


The Best of the Best: Becoming Elite at an American Boarding School by Ruben A. Gaztambide-Fernandez
This is a serious book written by a Harvard education student who spent 2 years embedded in an American boarding school.

Black Ice by Lorene Cary
Lorene Cary recounts her experiences as the first African-American female student at the prestigious St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire.

Perfectly Prep: Gender Extremes at a New England Prep School by Sarah A. Chase
The author is a professional anthropologist who examines gender in all its manifestations in boarding school.

Preparing For Power: America's Elite Boarding Schools by Peter W. Cookson Jr, Caroline Hodges Persell
The authors are New York University sociologists. As a result, Preparing for Power offers a documented, well-research look at private schools and the how's and why's of their success in positioning leaders of business, professionals, and government.

Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul's School by Shamus Rahman Khan
The author attended St. Paul's School, in Concord, New Hampshire. His book offers a window into the school's community which is still a privileged one though much more diverse.

Goodbye Mr Chips by James Hilton

This 1930s novel about an English boarding school teacher still brings a tear to the eye.

Old School by Tobias

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Boarding Schools in a Minute

Boarding Schools in a Minute
Boarding Schools in a Minute gives an overview of independent residential schools in North America.

Boarding Schools in a Minute gives an overview of independent residential schools in North America. There is much more to boarding schools than these brief headlines convey. Hopefully, these bullets will encourage you to explore this very special education option in depth.

95% of these boarding schools are high schools serving grades 9 through 12, with many schools offering a Post-Graduate Year or Grade 13. A handful of junior boarding schools serve grades 6-9.

Most boarding schools operate within a traditional school year of September through May. A few schools begin their year in August. A couple ends their school year in June. One school only operates during the summer session.

In 2023, there were approximately 450 boarding schools. Tuition at these schools ranges from free to well over $60,000 annually. Boarding schools come in many shapes and sizes. Some are small, with 125 or so students in grades 10 through 12. Others are large, with over 1200 students in grades 9 through 12. Most fall into what is best described as a medium-sized school with a population of 350-450 students.

Many boarding schools are non-sectarian, i.e., they adhere to no particular religious denomination's teachings and views. What they offer instead is an amalgam of mainline religious thought and philosophy. Other schools follow the teachings and beliefs of a particular religion. For example, Jesuit boarding schools adhere to the teachings of

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Why Boarding School? It's All About Standards

Why Boarding School? It's All About Standards
Teachers and parents are unanimous in wanting children to learn. Boarding schools make that learning possible.

I just read another one of those discouraging articles in the New York Times about the low esteem in which America holds its teachers in the 21st century. Author Sam Dillon is referring to public school teachers. This is a difficult time for most public school boards of education as they try to figure out what programs to reduce or eliminate to balance their budgets. Since local school districts are funded principally from taxes on real property, they cannot simply raise the mill rate. Historically, local residents will not pass budgets that have large tax increases. Inevitably, teaching positions are on the table. Teachers face salary and benefit cuts or, even worse, outright job losses. While I most certainly empathize with the teachers' predicament, I also know that private schools stand to reap the benefit of having some of these gifted professionals join their ranks. Besides being able to have a job in their chosen profession, why else would professional teachers want to teach in a boarding school? They would want to do so for many of the same reasons why you and I want our children to attend such residential schools. Let's look at some of the factors which might make an experienced public school teacher consider teaching in the private K-12 sector.

Academic Standards

Teachers want to teach. They love their subject. They know it inside and out at the level at which they have been teaching. They know all the tricks and ways to light

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Spotlight on Sports
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February 09, 2025
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Why Boarding School