What Makes Boarding School Special?
What makes a boarding school unique? I know some of you reading this will say "the cost." No, what I have in mind are the characteristics of a boarding school that set it apart from private day schools and public schools. Back to cost, however. Let's get that out of the way. Most boarding schools have incredibly generous financial aid programs. No deserving applicant will be turned away because his family cannot afford the tuition and fees. On the other hand, if $60,000 or more is a tariff that you can handle using your own resources, then the cost is not an impediment.
It's an adventure.
I happen to think that The Association for Boarding Schools got it right when it describes boarding school as an adventure. You and I, as parents, know that learning will be an adventure. At least, that was always our intent when our daughters went off to boarding school. It's the new friends your child will make who will be part of the adventure. These are friends who will be with her 24/7 for weeks during school. These are classmates she will bring home for a weekend. I still remember yesterday when my eldest daughter arrived home for an afternoon with one of her new friends. We lived about 10 miles from the school. Her classmate was from out of state. While their laundry was in the washer and dryer, the two girls