10 Top Reasons to Go to Boarding School
Why should you consider sending your child to boarding school? Wouldn't she do just as well at day school?
- This is a common question for parents to ponder as they review their private school options.
- You have made the decision to send him to a private school in principle.
- Now it is just a matter of working out the details.
There are many reasons to go to boarding school. Academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities are just a few of the considerations. But there's more. Much more.
Here are the 10 top reasons why you should go to boarding school.
Canva generated this picture of a student riding her horse.
10. You will get great teachers who love to teach.
- Boarding schools traditionally hire teachers with degrees in their subjects.
- A large number of these experienced teachers also have advanced degrees in their field.
- Typically, all are passionate about their subject and love to teach it to young people.
Because discipline is rarely a problem in boarding schools, these talented teachers get to teach without having to be traffic cops or paper pushers like their public school counterparts.
9. You will have great sports and sports facilities.
- Most boarding schools have amazing sports facilities.
- The range of sports and teams is mind-boggling.
- You will find everything from squash to crew, hockey to basketball. Natatoria are common. So are