The Gifted Student
Oxford Languages defines gifted as "having exceptional talent or natural ability." You've been aware for a long time that your child is gifted. She reads several grade levels above her grade and is passionate about robotics. She socializes well, and is liked by her teachers and classmates. The problem is that your local public school doesn't have the resources to stretch her and allow her to achieve her full potential. So, you are looking at boarding schools as an option for expanding her intellectual horizons.
Signs of Giftedness in Children Include:
- an extreme need for constant mental stimulation
- an ability to learn and process complex information rapidly
- a need to explore subjects in surprising depth
- an insatiable curiosity, as demonstrated by endless questions and inquiries
- ability to comprehend material several grade levels above their age peers
- surprising emotional depth and sensitivity at a young age
- enthusiastic about unique interests and topics
- quirky or mature sense of humor
- creative problem solving and imaginative expression
- absorbs information quickly with few repetitions needed
- self-aware, socially aware, and aware of global issues
Source: Davidson Institute
So, I can tell you as a parent of two gifted daughters, boarding school is an excellent option. We lived in rural Litchfield County, Connecticut. The local regional school system was very good but had limited resources. There was no internet in those days. So, we encouraged reading lots of books and added enrichment activities. But, again, we soon exhausted those scarce resources. Boarding school ended up being